How to make your cosmetic injectable results last!


Cosmetic injectables have become increasingly popular for their ability to enhance and rejuvenate various facial features. Whether you've opted for anti-wrinkle treatments or dermal fillers to add volume, it's natural to want to prolong the results of your treatment. In this week’s post, we will discuss the factors that influence the longevity of cosmetic injectables and provide you with valuable tips on maintaining and extending your desired results.


Choose a Skilled Injector:

The expertise and technique of your cosmetic injector play a crucial role in the longevity of your results. Opt for a qualified and experienced professional who understands your goals and has a track record of delivering natural-looking outcomes. A skilled injector will ensure that the right amount of product is used in the appropriate areas, increasing the effectiveness and duration of the treatment.


Follow a Healthy Lifestyle:

Certain lifestyle choices can impact the longevity of cosmetic injectables. Factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor nutrition can accelerate the breakdown of the injected products. To extend your results, prioritize a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate hydration. These habits promote overall skin health and can help maintain the effects of your injectable treatment.


Develop a Consistent Skincare Routine:

A proper skincare routine can significantly contribute to extending the longevity of your cosmetic injectables. Cleanse your skin gently using mild, non-abrasive products and moisturize regularly to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. Additionally, incorporate sunscreen with a broad spectrum of SPF 30 or higher into your daily routine to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, which can degrade the injectable products.


Protect Your Skin from Environmental Factors:

Environmental factors such as sun exposure, pollution, and harsh weather conditions can affect the longevity of cosmetic injectables. Whenever possible, shield your skin from direct sunlight by wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and using sun-protective clothing. Additionally, consider using an umbrella or seeking shade during peak sun hours. If you live in a highly polluted area, cleanse your skin thoroughly at the end of the day to remove any pollutants that may have accumulated.


Schedule Follow-Up Treatments:

While cosmetic injectables can provide immediate results, their effects are not permanent. To maintain and extend your desired outcome, it's essential to schedule follow-up treatments as recommended by your cosmetic injector. They will assess your progress, address any concerns, and recommend additional treatments to maintain the desired results. Regular touch-ups can help prolong the effectiveness of the injectables over time.


Communicate with Your Injector:

Open communication with your cosmetic injector is crucial for maintaining your results. If you notice any changes or concerns, promptly discuss them with your injector. They can provide guidance, offer tailored recommendations, and adjust future treatments accordingly. By actively participating in your treatment plan, you can optimise the longevity of your cosmetic injectables.


While the duration of cosmetic injectables varies depending on the type of treatment and individual factors, implementing these tips can help extend the results. Choosing a skilled injector, adopting a healthy lifestyle, following a consistent skincare routine, protecting your skin from environmental factors, scheduling follow-up treatments, and maintaining open communication with your injector are all essential for maximising the longevity of your cosmetic injectables!

If you’re due for a touch up appointment or want to experience the Cosmetic Image difference, click here to book or:


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