Many things create a beautiful smile it’s not just about having straight or white teeth. When you smile the appearance of excessive gum tissue is known as ‘Gummy Smile’. Whilst not a medical condition it can affect how people feel about their smile and impact on their self-esteem. Often people will hide behind their hands or simply not smile at all.

The disproportionate amount of gum and tooth showing when you smile can be caused by the overactive muscles that control the top lip, which causes the lip to curl up and expose the excess gum tissue above the teeth.

Showing ‘too much gum’ when smiling is often noticed when people look at photos of themselves. We offer a non-invasive medical treatment with no downtime to effectively treat this condition.

If you want to change the aesthetic of your smile enquire about how this treatment may assist you.

Gummy Smile

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Cosmetic Image Clinics is owned and operated by former AMA Qld President and TV Medical Journalist Dr Ingrid Tall who has over twenty years of experience in the cosmetic medicine industry. Our clinic is medically supervised and if experience, credibility and a ‘natural look’ is what you are looking for, then make Queensland’s largest cosmetic clinic, Cosmetic Image Clinics your preferred provider.

  • A gummy smile is a condition where a person shows a disparate amount of gum compared to teeth ratio when they smile.

    This condition can cause people to have self-esteem issues and make them reluctant to smile.

  • This non-surgical medical treatment will usually last for approximately three months, but with continual treatments the muscles can sometimes learn to relax and the effect of treatments may last longer.

  • One of the causes of gummy smile is when the hyperactive muscles that control the top lip cause the lip to curl up and expose the excess gum tissue above the teeth.

    At Cosmetic Image Clinics we offer a non-surgical medical treatment which can be effective to combat this issue.

  • Firstly, our experienced cosmetic doctor will examine you to determine if this medical treatment will be effective for your condition.

    If so, then ice can be used to numb the area prior to treatment.

    The non-invasive medical treatment targets muscles on both sides of the junction of the nostril and nose to mouth fold.

    After approximately 3 to 4 days the elevation of the top lip will lessen and your smile will show less gum. The full effects will be achieved 2 weeks after your treatment.

    There is no downtime and you will be given post care instructions to follow to ensure the best results are realised.

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