The neck is especially susceptible to the ravages of ageing and sun exposure. We often take the time daily to keep our face moisturised and apply sunscreen, but forget about our necks.

Traditionally, it has been challenging to rejuvenate sagging of the neck and deepening horizontal neck lines, however technology and anti-ageing techniques are improving and evolving rapidly and often utilising a combination of therapies helps provide superior outcomes.

As the neck skin loses its elasticity it tends to droop and sag, which is an issue that plagues both men and women.

The buildup of fat under the chin (submental fat) and sagging, commonly known as ‘turkey neck’ or ‘gobblers chin’ can cause us to be self-conscious of how we look and turtle necks are not always a fashion option.

These treatments include Ultherapy®Fractional Resurfacing and Lipodissolve. We also offer a range of non-surgical medical treatments that can be tailored to your individual needs. For skin rejuvenation we offer Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photorejuvenationand chemical peels to assist with freshening up the look of the skin on your neck and chest.

Another exciting treatment that we offer is the revolutionary CoolSculpting® ‘CoolMini’ chin applicator technology which uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells without surgery or downtime. We were the first in Australia to offer this non-surgical, non-invasive breakthrough in treating smaller pockets of fat. These niggling small areas of fat can often be diet and exercise resistant, so talk to us about the new CoolMini applicator that may be the answer.

If surgery is too scary to fix that saggy neck skin or you want to freshen up your ageing neck non-surgically, then read more about the options that we offer at Cosmetic Image Clinics below.

Neck Rejuvenation

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Cosmetic Image Clinics is owned and operated by former AMA Qld President and TV Medical Journalist Dr Ingrid Tall who has over twenty years of experience in the cosmetic medicine industry. Our clinic is medically supervised and if experience, credibility and a ‘natural look’ is what you are looking for, then make Queensland’s largest cosmetic clinic, Cosmetic Image Clinics your preferred provider.

  • The Ultherapy procedure can achieve a safe non-surgical neck lift, non-surgical chin lift and non-surgical eyebrow lift. This procedure has been cleared by both the TGA and FDA, and the FDA has also now cleared it to improve décolletage or chest lines and wrinkles.

    Ultherapy bypasses the surface of the skin and uses ultrasound to deposit focused energy to stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin in the deep tissue layers. Consequently, skin will begin to firm, lift and tighten over time.

    Packages combining a number of treatments can be personally tailored to your requirements at Cosmetic Image Clinics.

  • We were the first in Australia to offer this non-surgical, non-invasive breakthrough in treating smaller pockets of fat under the chin.

    Liposuction under the chin may be a thing of the past. Double chins can be now easily, safely and painlessly ‘frozen’ away with the revolutionary CoolSculpting® non-surgical liposuction. These niggling small areas of fat can often be diet and exercise resistant, so talk to us about the new CoolMini applicator that may be the answer.

  • Cosmetic Image Clinics offers ‘Fractora™’, by Invasix, is the most advanced fractional radio-frequency procedure.

    Surgery is not the only option if you want to achieve a younger looking neck. You can revitalise your neck, hands or face with ‘Fractora’ fractional resurfacing, often known as the ‘knifeless neck lift’.

    This advanced fractional resurfacing treatment utilising bipolar radio-frequency helps improve fine or deep lines, texture, pigment irregularities, redness to the neck, décolletage or chest. Cell renewal is further enhanced by a series of three treatments to improve skin quality, texture and tone.

    ‘Fractora™’ can achieve a younger looking neck without surgery, no downtime and minimal pain.

    Packages combining a number of treatments can be personally tailored to your requirements at Cosmetic Image Clinics.

  • Sun damage and age are contributing factors to skin on your neck looking and feeling tired.

    You don’t have to hide those skin imperfections such as pigmentation, redness, brown age spots, burst capillaries etc. behind makeup or turtle necks any longer. IPL Photorejuvenation is the latest non-surgical treatment for pigmentation and redness.

    IPL Photorejuvenation while treating these conditions can also help to improve the tone and texture of your skin, which is why it is considered to be one of the most effective cosmetic therapies available.

    Packages combining a number of treatments can be personally tailored to your requirements at Cosmetic Image Clinics.

  • Chemical Peels help to improve skin quality, a superficial to moderate chemical peel is ideal for pigmentation and subtle rejuvenation of the neck or face skin.

    Cosmetic medicine has advanced in recent years; we no longer have only two choices, surgery or accept the signs of ageing. There are an array of non-invasive non-surgical options to enhance your skin tone and texture, including having a chemical peel.

    By removing the damaged outer layers of skin during the peel, it can help to refresh and revive your skin while significantly reducing some sunspots, freckles, rough scaly patches, wrinkles, skin pigmentation issues and the overall appearance of the skin on the face and neck.

    Packages combining a number of treatments can be personally tailored to your requirements at Cosmetic Image Clinics.

  • Lipodissolve is a relatively quick and simple and economical procedure involving small injections of various vitamins and compounds into the fat which dissolves the fat cells and removes them permanently from the body.

    Lipodissolve can help improve those problem areas such as under the chin and jowls.

    Often described as ‘non-surgical liposuction’, Lipodissolve has been used for over 20 years in many countries as a fat-dissolving agent to help reduce those annoying exercise and diet resistant small fatty deposits.

    Lipodissolve involves a series of small injections that help melt away small, localized areas of fat deposits. Mesotherapy is the same procedure using a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and pharmaceuticals to help give skin that smooth youthful look we all crave.

    Packages combining a number of treatments can be personally tailored to your requirements at Cosmetic Image Clinics.